"Massage is so much more than WELLNESS.
A good massage is a PROMISE!"
A promise to health. A promise to performance. A promise of concentration and a promise of a beautiful attitude to life.
The traditional Thai massage is a healing massage in Thailand with a holistic approach to health. The foundations of her technique are based on ACUPRESSURE, PASSIVE STRETCHING, RHYTHMIC PRESSURE.
It is used for physical relaxation, stress reduction, promotion of mobility, pain relief, release of blockages, alleviation of migraines, metabolism stimulation, to name just a few of the positive attributes.
1 hr 55 min
145 euros2 hr 30 min
179 euros2 hr 35 min
188 eurosIndividuell zusammengestellte Wohlfühlprogramm für Deinen perfekten Tag!
3 hr 15 min
258 eurosEin einzigartiges Zusammenspiel von Thai-Gesichtsmassage, MASTER LIN Produkten und reinem Blattgold
1 hr 15 min
98 euros